Agency Success Story: Junior League of Gainesville-Hall County
After initially running their own food pantry one weekend a month, the members of the Junior League of Gainesville-Hall County found that they were unable to reach as many people as they would have liked due to the fact that families had to find transportation to the Junior League lodge, which could prove to be very difficult. Through a partnership with Georgia Mountain Food Bank, the Junior League knew they could achieve their goal of reaching hungry children by coordinating food deliveries in three Hall County area schools. While each school has a different method of distributing the food, the Junior League estimates that around 300 families are able to be served through this partnership. These numbers are expected to increase as other schools join the effort, and with the opening of The Hub at Gainesville High School, which serves all families in the Gainesville School District.
Any other schools interested in partnering with this effort should contact the Junior League Feeding Our Future coordinator Annie Viviant at