Empty Bowl

Thank you to our Sponsors
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and individuals, we were very close to meeting our goal for our only fundraising event of the year. While we were unable to host Empty Bowl 2024 due to weather from Hurrican Helene, we were able to serve the lunch to first responders to who were restoring power to our local area. Additionally, our team provided water and other needed supplies to neighbors in Southeast Georgia who were impacted by the storm
Each year, hundreds join us to take a stand against hunger in our community at our only annual fundraiser – the Empty Bowl Luncheon. Our annual Empty Bowl events have raised enough to provide hundreds of thousands of meals to those struggling with hunger in Hall, Lumpkin, Union, Forsyth, and Dawson counties. Along with lunch, each guest receives a hand-painted bowl to take home as a reminder of the empty bowls we are working together to fill in our community.
’til no one is hungry!
How You Can Help
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Contribute to the Silent Auction
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Become a Sponsor for our 2024 Empty Bowl
Presenting Sponsors
Hunger Hero Sponsors
Miles Family
Bowl Filler Sponsors
Nourishing Neighbors Sponsor
Serving Together Sponsors
Table Sponsors
- Atlanta Community Food Bank
- Bates Carter
- The Drakes
- Duplicating Products, Inc.
- Gainesville City School System
- Gainesville First United Methodist Church
- GFWC Gainesville Phoenix Woman's Club, inc.
- Hall County Schools
- Hardy Chevrolet
- Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar, LLP
- Industrial Pipe
- Jackson EMC
- The Law Offices of Arianne E. Mathe', P.C.
- Landmark Properties
- Legacy Link
- Mar-Jac Poultry
- Mid-GA Industrial Sales
- North Georgia Premium Outlets
- Regeneron
- Representative Lee Hawkins
- Refrigiwear LLC
- Rushton & Company
- S&S Trucking
- Siskin Steel
- Smith Bell Petroleum
- South Atlantic Galvanizing
- Stewart, Melvin, and Frost, LLP
- Dennis Stockton
- Stribling Whalen Financial Group
- Turner, Wood, and Smith Insurance
- The University of North Georgia
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