Empty Bowl

Each year, hundreds join us to take a stand against hunger in our community at our only annual fundraiser – the Empty Bowl Luncheon. Our annual Empty Bowl events have raised enough to provide hundreds of thousands of meals to those struggling with hunger in Hall, Lumpkin, Union, Forsyth, and Dawson counties. Along with lunch, each guest receives a hand-painted bowl to take home as a reminder of the empty bowls we are working together to fill in our community.

’til no one is hungry!

How You Can Help

Graphic of a lime green bowl

Get Tickets

A limited number of individual tickets will be made available. Come on your own or fill a table with friends!
Purchase Your Tickets
Graphic of an orange bowl

Be A Sponsor

Show the community your support for our mission by becoming a sponsor.
Sponsor LevelsSponsor FormSponsor Online
Graphic of a green bowl

Paint A Bowl

Help thank our guests by providing a hand painted bowl to remind them of the bowls they helped to fill.
2024 Bowl Painting Parties
Graphic of a Bowl

Contribute to the Silent Auction

We are now collecting items for our silent auction! If you or someone you know would have items they would like to include as part of our silent auction, please fill out and submit the form.
Donate Item
Graphic of a yellow bowl

Bid In The Auction

Place your bid live at the lunch on hand-painted signature bowls signed by local, regional and nationally recognized business leaders, athletes and entertainers.

Become a Sponsor for our 2024 Empty Bowl


Presenting Sponsors



Laser Craft Technologies Logo

Hunger Hero Sponsors


The Miles Family

Bowl Filler Sponsors

Nourishing Neighbors Sponsor


Tony Herdener

Serving Together Sponsors

Mike Poston

Suzanne Willis Properties

Can't Attend?

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