Georgia Mountain Food Bank to Provide Free Food Distribution for Furloughed Federal Employees and Others Affected by the Government Shutdown
WHAT: In response to the government shutdown, Georgia Mountain Food Bank (GMFB) has planned a free food distribution for furloughed federal employees and others who have been affected. The government closure has already begun to affect individuals that aren’t federal employees, and GMFB is concerned about the long-term effects this crisis may have on the communities it serves. Those who have been negatively impacted by the shutdown can come collect food free of charge this Friday, January 25, at St. John Baptist Church.
WHEN: Friday, January 25, 2019
3:30 – 5:30 p.m. (or until supplies last)
WHERE: St. John Baptist Church – Parking Lot
757 E.E. Butler Parkway
Gainesville, GA 30501
WHO: GMFB a Partner Distribution Organization of the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB), collects surplus food and grocery products for distribution to nonprofit partner agencies serving the hungry in the Georgia Mountain region. Located in Gainesville, GMFB collaborates with ACFB to provide food to nonprofits with hunger relief programs in Dawson, Forsyth, Hall, Lumpkin and Union counties. These programs provide direct assistance to families and individuals who are in need of food assistance. For more information about the Georgia Mountain Food Bank, visit
WHY: The federal government has now been closed for more than a month, the longest shutdown in the history of the United States. Since the shutdown began, the Feeding America network has been operating in high-gear, providing food assistance to ensure families and individuals have enough to eat. GMFB, a partner distribution organization of the ACFB and Feeding America, has seen an increase in the number of people reaching out for food assistance. If the government closure continues, safety net programs like SNAP, WIC and school meals could be affected. A complete list of GMFB’s feeding partners and programs in Dawson, Forsyth, Hall, Lumpkin and Union counties, please visit or call (770) 534-4111.