GMFB hosts Agency Conference
Friday, July 21, Georgia Mountain Food Bank (GMFB) hosted our annual Agency Conference. Attendees representing more than 20 of our 65 partner agencies spent the day collaborating, sharing and learning from one another in an effort to collectively improve the regions approach to food distribution. This years theme was “Something to Talk About” and topics of discussion included food sourcing, volunteers, seniors-feeding programs and hunger issues and client choice pantries. From speed chatting, to panel discussions, a client testimonial and poverty simulations this day is designed for partner agencies to leave feeling refreshed, feeling appreciated and armed with meaningful information.
GMFB also presented the Agency Excellence Award to The Refuge-Pillar of Fire. This award was given to The Refuge because they had the highest percentage increase, 136%, from February to June in the number of pounds distributed of produce and meat as well as an increase in the number of food insecure served. Over the past year the Refuge increased their program from a monthly to a weekly distribution as well as providing a delivery service to 40+ shut in households.