Union County

If you are in need of emergency food assistance, contact one of our partner agencies in Union County. Each agency has different hours of operation and requirements. Therefore, we suggest that you call the agency for specific information. If you are unable to find help near you, please contact our office at (770)534-4111.
Food Pantries
First Baptist Church of Blairsville
296 Blueridge Street
Blairsville, GA 30512
Day / Time: 1st Saturday 9am – 11am
Notes: 1x per month for Union County residents. Emergency boxes offered: Call 706-745-2469
House of Prayer / Cottage Food Bank Blairsville
1441 Pat Cowell Road
Blairsville, GA 30514
Day / Time: Monday & Wednesday 9am – 12pm
Meal service: Wednesday 11am – 12pm
Produce stand: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:00 – 11:00am
Notes: 1x per month for emergency food box assistance, weekly for produce and meal service, need proof of residency, drivers license.
New Hope Fellowship Church
1492 Blue Ridge Highway
Blairsville, GA 30512
Day / Time: Fourth Saturday 10am – 12pm
Notes: For an immediate need, please contact 706-400-2089
There’s Hope for the Hungry
1230 Samples Industrial
Cumming, GA 30041
Day / Time: Monday – Thursday 10am – 1pm, by appointment
Notes: Client will be given the location and date of distribution nearest them.
- Antioch Baptist Church – 3301 Antioch Church Road, Blairsville, GA 30512 (706)745-9320 3rd Thursday of the month 10am – 1pm
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