Lets Grow PD

We still need your help!

By 2027 Georgia Mountain Food Bank will have an annual estimated distribution of 6 million meals. As the needs of our community grow, we need your help to grow to be able to meet the needs of the more than 50,000 people living with food insecurity in our five county area.

With more space, we increase our ability to get food to hungry families.

Through the pandemic, it became clear that our existing Food Bank, the Boomershine Family Logistic Center, needed to be expanded in order to adequately accommodate the growing need.

With your support, we can create

91% More Cold Storage Space

In the current facility we have approximately 3,915 sq.ft. dedicated to cold storage (new = 7,475, or 91% more)

54% More Warehouse Space

Approximately 14,285 sq.ft. is warehouse space (new = 19,482 plus 2,480 sq.ft. of outdoor storage space with overhang or 54% more)

53% More Administrative Space

In the current facility, approximately 3,800 sq.ft. is dedicated to administrative space (new = 5,807 or 53% more)

53 New Parking Spaces

GMFB currently has parking to accommodate 15 vehicles. Limited parking leaves very little room for volunteers and visitors. There will be 48 spaces added across the street and 5 additional parking spaces adjacent to our addition


Total Budget: $4.6 Million

Left to Raise: $1.2 Million

We have been fortunate to receive private support, as well as a $2.21 million grant from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, to construct the addition.